
Hsinchu 新竹│2022 新竹過好年:虎嘯生風 Tiger Roars with the Rise of Winds

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2022 新竹過好年
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“Tiger Roars with the Rise of Winds” is the theme of the 2022 New Year’s celebrations in Hsinchu City, in which five art teams are invited to create six pieces of art. Combining the two specific urban elements of Sound and Wind, various sound and music devices are used to create a lively and joyful atmosphere. Through pneumatic devices, the never-ceasing wind of the City of Wind is brilliantly manifested, and the endless energy brings new hope and joy to the world.  Roaring into the new year at full throttle, every day during the Year of Tiger will just be as wonderful and exciting as it can be.

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作品 Artworks

01 光虎 Kng Hóo
創作團隊 Creative Team│玖格設計 9 Grid Design
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陣陣鼓聲,白煙漫起 ... 
⺠間習俗「虎爺」是趨吉避凶、驅趕瘟疫的守護神,「玖格設計」以護土、保家的心,創作出新竹的地方守護神。高4公尺、寬2公尺的Kng Hóo,高大盤距在市中心的東門城,黑夜比白晝更精彩,特製的聲光展演,讓Kng Hóo呈現出與白天截然不同的風格樣貌,陪伴捍衛著每一位與疫情、生活奮戰的人們,吼出新年新希望, 讓美好的事物重回生活,繼續精彩。
Drums sounding all around, white mist obscures everything…
HU YEH (Tiger God), sitting below the sacred table, guards Dongmen with divine power and sends blessings all around.
In folk customs, HU YEH is the patron saint who brings good fortune, averts evil, and repels plagues and diseases. Inspired by HU YEH’s auspicious power to protect the land and families, the team designed Kng Hóo to represent the local patron saint of Hsinchu City. Located in Dongmen of the city center, the artwork is 4 meters tall and 2 meters wide. Nights become more exciting than the day, with a special sound and light show that presents a completely different side of Kng Hóo during day and night. Standing still with people to fight against the pandemic, Kng Hóo roars in the New Year with new hopes and abundant blessings to turn things around and bring good fortune and prosperity to people.
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02 掌聲林 Sounds of Tiger’s Paws
創作團隊 Creative Team│林弘韜 X 都市藝術工作室 Hung-Tao Lin x Urban Art Studio

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“As the tiger roars, wind rises from every direction.” To present the special characteristics of the winds of September in Hsinchu, Urban Art Studio collaborated with sound artist Hung-Tao Lin to use light and sound as the medium to guide visitors into this forest full of whistling wind and tiger’s mighty roars. As ambient sounds play in the background, the tiger’s footprints suddenly appear and disappear. One gets to feel a tiger leaping and running at full speed through the wind in the forest. It feels like a big tiger is around you, but it is nowhere in sight. People of all ages are welcome to visit the city moat and enjoy this spectacular visual and audio experience.
Popular Science Info: Despite weighing hundreds of kilograms, tigers are able to reach the speed of 49 to 65 km/h but only in short bursts.

03 徹夜未眠直至晨光 Burning the Midnight Oil till Dawn
創作團隊 Creative Team│穀米機工 Okome Studio
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擅⻑動力機械的「穀米機工」,以老虎身上特殊的斑紋為發想,透過黃、白、黑的配色,設計出一件由兩個圓環組成的動力燈光雕塑,極簡抽象的圓環甩動間,互相交錯、共舞,展現悠然的平衡,彷彿夢境般真實卻又虛幻,這樣擬仿虎躍姿態的動態,在水面上翩然躍起而後落下,同時,透過風力感測器傳動的圓環,只要有風就會運轉,如同生生不息的 「風」為風城帶來的生命力,盼能讓這股綿延不絕的能量,⻑風破浪向前行。
With an expertise in power machinery and inspired by the special markings on the tiger’s body, Okome Studio designed a power light sculpture composed of two rings with a yellow/white/black color scheme. The minimalistic and abstractly-designed rings intertwine and dance with each other while showing astoundingly delicate visual balance with breathtaking imagery that blends with real-life environments. Interestingly, the artwork mimics the leaping posture of a tiger, springing up then landing back again on the water. It looks almost surreal; at the same time, it feels like a dream. Meanwhile, the ring driven by the wind sensor keeps operating so long as there is wind, just like the endless wind energy that brings vitality to the City of Wind. The artwork conveys people’s hope that the non-stop generation of energy will bring significant change to ensure sustainable development of the city.
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04 無限光景 Limitless Light
創作團隊 Creative Team│黑川互動媒體藝術 Peppercorns Interactive Media Art Inc
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The device is composed of an LED display, and points, lines, and planes are transformed into a three-dimensional image. The uninterrupted, ceaseless flow of high-speed rotating images symbolizes Hsinchu City’s abundant wind and hope. While futuristic electronic music is playing in the background, the wind passes by, and innovative technology makes waves around the globe. Together, we are ready for the new age!
Peppercorns Interactive Media Art Inc. was inspired by three main elements—the Year of the Tiger, the Wind City of Hsinchu, and the river. The erratic lines of the first part of the image represent the ubiquitous yet unpredictable qualities of wind and water, and the projection of the images onto the river symbolizes the instability and turbulence of the previous year. Afterwards, the image spreads across the water surface with tiger stripes, and the sound of a tiger’s roar complements the patter, creating a new, fresh atmosphere. The irregular lines, wind, water surface, and other images become stable with the passing of the tiger stripes, which serves as a symbol for a better world in the new year! 
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05 身風 Wind of Our Bodies 
創作團隊 Creative Team│禹禹藝術工作室 Yuyu-Art Studio
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Like time, wind has no concrete form, yet it is an eternal companion in life. Yuyu-Art Studio transforms the symbolism of wind with seed modeling; using composite media, such as bamboo weaving and the theory of perspective, a long corridor that allows tourists to walk along the river is constructed. We hope that as visitors walk into the corridor, they can feel the greenery and natural environment of the city moat through their senses and perceive the connection between the city, the culture, and the people. Paired with the fan that rotates with the wind and resembles a flower, the artwork brings us the messages delivered by the wind. Meanwhile, the connection between this city and the nature reveals to us the wonders of the world. The answers to life must be sought by oneself. In the process of interacting with this art piece, perhaps a little hope is also sprouting.
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06 小光虎踏青 Little Kng Hóo Goes on a Trip
創作團隊 Creative Team│都市藝術工作室 Urban Art Studio
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新竹護城河畔有許多鬱鬱蔥蔥的草地,平時在室內空間待久了,看見綠油油的草皮總是令人感到放鬆,新竹市大大小小的公園,也是市⺠假日休憩的最佳去處,今年使用「小光虎」 提燈,在草地上排列組合成一個個的大型虎掌足跡,橘色的毛皮,與黑色腳掌印,彷彿位於東門城的Kng Hóo,趁著風光明媚之時,偷溜出來踏青,元宵節當天也歡迎⺠眾提著「小光虎」提燈,來跟作品合影留念。
There are numerous lush grasslands along the city moat in Hsinchu City. After staying indoors for most of the time, the sight of green turf is always relaxing. Hsinchu City’s large and small parks are also the best places for citizens to go and relax on holidays. This year, the Little Shining Tiger lanterns are arranged on the grass in large tiger palm footprints. The orange fur and black footprints resembles that of Kng Hóo at Dongmen. Taking advantage of the beautiful scenery and season, it becomes the most suitable place for a leisure walk. On the day of the Lantern Festival, people are also welcome to bring their Little Kng Hóo lanterns to take photos with the artworks.
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2022 新竹過好年-藝術燈區
主燈聲光秀|17:30~22:00 每半小時演出

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